Eagles Way Healing is a powerful healing modality that has helped clients to achieve life-changing results. Our clients have reported reduced symptoms and even complete elimination of various afflictions, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, allergies, digestive disorders, arthritis and joint pain, phobias, personal crises, hereditary and childhood traumas, and sexual health issues.
Our healing sessions have also helped people to experience better connections and communication with loved ones, increased self-confidence and certainty, deep inner peace and stability, acceptance of their life situation, feeling energised and motivated, and overwhelming feelings of positivity, strength and calm.
At Eagles Way Healing, we are passionately committed to empowering you to achieve your ultimate version of you, living your most vibrant, purposeful life.
Have you ever wondered what's in a name? At Eagles Way Healing, the name speaks to the very heart of our mission and the powerful healing modality we offer.
The eagle, revered for its strength, power, and spiritual significance in many ancient cultures, has been a symbol of freedom and inspiration for millennia. It represents a link between the physical and spiritual realms, and is seen by many as a messenger from the divine.
Our clients consistently report profound healing experiences that transform their lives in ways they never thought possible. Through the power of our healing modality, we help people achieve a level of wellness and awareness that truly sets us apart.
At Eagles Way Healing, our name represents the strength, power, and spiritual significance of the eagle. Through our transformative healing modality, we strive to energetically support our clients to become the ultimate version of themselves.
What is Eagles Way Healing?
Eagles Way Healing is a very targeted healing
process that works on a deep level to rapidly clear
negative energies and emotions in your energetic field.
How did these negative emotions get there in the first place?
They can often be lingering, left over from past events and traumas.
Generally, they can usually be attributed to one of the following;
- A specific, one-off traumatic event can trigger high intensity emotions that get locked into your energy field.
- A lower intensity event or situation that lasts for a prolonged time, or even echoes or reminders of the original trauma that can take a while to solidify into your energetic field.
- ‘Hereditary’ As an infant you sponge up the energy of those around you, usually parents, and take on their energetic signature or baggage as if it were your own.
How does the healing actually work?
Healing energy, is used to wash away impurities in very specific areas of your energetic field, alleviating the scarring and echoes of trauma without you having to process it again at a mind level, and without it sitting there subtly influencing your life and holding you back like unwanted baggage.
Without this unwanted energetic influence people often have a greater sense clarity and feel more at ease and at peace within themselves.
What can I expect in a typical session?
- Reading your energy field will often identify emotions that are ready to be cleared.
- Sometimes working with your energy, we can discover the emotions that solidified within your energy field at a certain age, which can be useful for some people to know.
- Acknowledgment of when this happened can sometimes be useful but isn’t necessary. For instance, “Ahh that makes sense because that’s when X happened.” No elaboration or revisiting or talking about the event is necessary. If you feel like you want to express, just one sentence without emotional loading is enough… “Ahh that’s when I got divorced.” or “That’s when grandma died.” etc. That’s it, no more.
- The energy field is cleared including the negative emotions identified, along with any unidentified toxic energy surrounding the event.
- Re-testing to ensure there is nothing more to clear surrounding the identified block.
I’m excited and want to heal everything right now!
Significant changes can only be processed one at a time. It takes time for the newly cleansed energy field to work down, readjusting with the mind and recalibrating with the body. These are deep level changes that we are talking about.
If you think of the many years you spent accumulating various forms of emotional baggage, getting a big chunk removed in one session is staggeringly powerful and beyond any healing modality in existence that I currently know of.
Once healed it takes time to process and solidify before subsequent healing sessions can take place.
What can I expect at the time of healing?
People's experiences vary depending on what we process. Some people feel an energy shift, some feel heat, some a sense of relief of a burden being lifted, some feel peace and release. Sometimes people will feel sleepy and relaxed, some emotionally fatigued. Some people feel highly energised and can’t stop smiling.
Everyone experiences these things differently and that’s OK.
What can I expect after the healing?
People often find that they don’t have subconscious blocks or resistance holding them back anymore, the path is smoother, and people often find themselves switching easily into a ‘flow state’.
Energetically we have fundamentally changed your reality. You are now vibrating with a more pure resonance and this in turn will naturally attract new circumstances, experiences and people to match your uplifted energetic state.
Relationships with people in your life can often alter. Sometimes the connections can be clearer and more pure, other times people who don’t support the positive changes in you can drift away and lose interest because you’re no longer vibrationally compatible. The negative aspects of your energy field that they used to key into is no longer there.
Sometimes the clearing of your energy field can also clear connected/shared energies of other people close to you such as family members. In this case you might notice that they ‘feel better’ or ‘uplifted’ for no apparent reason and that’s nice too.
Everyone is unique, and process things differently. You will find deeper levels of clarity, awareness, and less resistance. Enjoy the process, sit with your new energetic balance and quietly observe what unfolds over the next few days with an alert and still mind.
How do I prepare for a session?
- Get clarity on what you want out of the session beforehand. Maybe list a few things down that you would like looked at and fill out the client information sheet.
- Have the session in a quiet place where you can be peaceful and not be disturbed.
- Stay hydrated and have a glass of water handy.
- When someone’s mind is still, they are much easier to work with. I use bells to help signal the mind to focus and be still. You will get more out of the session if you are aware of this and allow yourself to be present, in a quiet meditative state.